All things wild and waterfilles are good for the soul!
Friday, April 6, 2012
There are are places that call to me on a bigger scale than just a pretty place to visit. Sedona, AZ is one such place, for me a sacred place that has filled my soul.Can you say red mountains! This is one picture taken in one of many places there. I have visited here twice and both times were connected to my business. I went the first time in 2006 for a week's training in Myofascial Release. At the time I was a part-time practicing massage therapist and studying MFR. I was very excited to be going to a part of the country that I had never visited before and had reserved several tours to Native American sites and also with a local person to visit some of the energy vortexes.
What is pictured here is one of the many places I visited. This was a community where the people climbed up the rock face to their living quarters. I could not imagine doing this as part of ever day life. I visited many sites in the surrounding area and drank in all the history and beauty of the area. I also visited Sunset Crater Volcano National Park in nearby Scottsdale, AZ which has a 30 mile road with the Lava Flow on one end and a Native American Pueblo on the other end and in between you come over a hill and in the far distance you have a view of the Painted Desert. This was one of the many surprises that I discovered on this great adventure.
I also spent time with afew of the local tour guides that I felt were more spiritual than the normal touristy guides. One was a young man who I hiked with that took me to some out of the way places like here and we spent time meditating with him playing a flute. I also spent time with a woman that another fellow traveler recommended and we toured some of the energy vortexes which was a very powerful experience.
I also went on a few hikes and went up to Airport Hill that overlooks a valley with red rock formations. One morning while I was there, several hot air balloons drifted lazily into view and I made a promise to myself that the next time I visit I will definitely do this!
I came back home full of energy and full of awe and love for that special place of red rocks. I know I will go back there some day as it stills calls me.
What sort of places fill you up and touch that deep place in your heart that resonates with your soul?
I think this video says it all - have a wonderful and awe-inspiring day!
You can find out what this wonderful therapy is at as there are therapist across the US that practice this wonderful therapy.
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