Thursday, February 11, 2010

Honey & Lemon

I have been getting over a cold recently and have used that old remedy from my Mother of taking honey and lemon in tea. Honey is just an amazing liquid and I wanted to share some healthy facts about it.
Raw unprocessed buckwheat honey has natural antioxidants. According to a University of California study, raw honey taken by mouth and not dissolved can raise the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream.
Raw honey is also known as a wound healer. It was used long ago and a topical anti-bacterial agent. It also reduced inflamation and reduction in pain. It also helps with quicker healing and minimal scarring. These many attributes have been re-discovered recently.
In other studies, honey positively affects cholesterol and is the healthiest sweetener.
All good things and more from this golden liquid in its raw state.