Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being Creative

I took my own advice today and took a long, quiet bath. I was pondering how things have been sort of so so lately. Here is Spring just around the corner and I am in my doldrums. I am really needing to get some creative juices flowing and now seems the time for things to start bursting forth.

I pulled out my copy of Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way which seems a perfect place to start. I have read it on and off over the  past year's and it always starts me down the right path.

Check it out if you have not heard of it as it will inspire you. One of the great suggestions is Morning Pages. Upon waking you write 3 pages every morning. Writing whatever comes to mind. A way to dump out whatever trash is ruminating in your mind and to clear yourself to allow new things to come in. Always a great way to start the day!