Thursday, April 19, 2012

Filling your Gas Tank

I came across this interesting article about  filling your gas tank and thought I would pass it along. Sort of the same ideas as far as taking time for yourself to recognize when you are running on empty and some suggestions on what to do to fill yourself up. The best are the notes to self to not feel guilty for taking care of your Self and to not feel selfish but self fulfilling. You cannot be there for others if you are not there for yourself!

Fill Your Gas Tank

Expert Author Betsy McGuire
I've been pretty burned out lately; not unlike many of you. My husband has been working long hours, the kids activities are in high gear, work is busy - you know the story. I've noticed I've been pretty low on energy, patience, and love. When I'm burned out, I find it difficult to do everything from keeping the house clean to paying attention to the kids to writing entries for this blog.
So, I got sick of feeling this way and realized what I already knew; if I don't fill up my personal gas tank on a regular basis, I am not much good to anyone else. I hadn't filled up in a while; a little here and there, but certainly not enough. How do we know when were running on empty? Here's the great thing: we have a built in gas gauge if we'd just look at it once in a while. Our gas gauge is how you feel. Are you energized, patient, and filled with love and inspiration? That's a great indication that your tank is full. If you're worn out, tired all the time, uninspired - you probably need some gas.
So, if you need to take an afternoon off and watch 4 hours of a guilty pleasure TV show or read a book, you've gotta do it! If you need to feed your family frozen waffles and fast food for dinner for a couple of nights in a row because you just can't face cooking for a little while - do it. One week will not create a lifetime of bad eating habits. If you need to hire a babysitter and just go veg on a park bench for an hour - do it. If you need to let your house go for a while, it will still be there when you're feeling better. You know yourself. You know what will help you fill your tank. Just do it!! For me, I had to take some time and watch some inspirational TV. I have a little stash of programming that I keep to inspire me and lift me up. Needless to say, I hadn't watched any for some time. I'm getting caught up now and feeling much better.
People may get angry with you or disappointed if your behavior does not match their expectations of what you should be doing. Somehow you need to find the strength to say - that's ok. It's ok if people have the perception I'm selfish or lazy. I know the truth. I know that my actions are meant to fill me up with positive energy, patience, and kindness so that I can serve others and be the person I'm meant to be.
Our greatness cannot shine through if our spirits are depleted. Our spirits hold all the resources we need for love. It is our responsibility to protect, feed, and nurture our spirits.
Betsy McGuire invites you to visit and sign up to receive her mind, body, and spirit blog the day entries are made. You can also "like" Chickpea Wellness on Facebook and receive new articles on your wall.
Copyright 2012 Chickpea Wellness, LLC
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